Abstract :
Some areas in Indonesia have high level of sedimentation problems that able to cause flooding, and one apparent solution is to build a retention pool. Sedimentation is deposition of material into the reservoir or dam due to environmental damage or erosion occurs in the river basin area. Sedimentation becomes the main factor in constructing the Rolak 70 Retention Pool, as an important component in controlling floods on the Konto River when the water discharge exceeds the maximum limit. From geography perspective, the modelling location is in waters located between 112° 11′ 22.85″ South Latitude and 7° 38′ 42.23″ East Longitude. The model area has northern boundary at the tip of Rolak 70 pool, while western boundary at the outlet of Rolak 70 pool. The lowest water depth value is located in upstream area of Konto River at coordinates of 112°11’27.81″ South Latitude and 7°38’49.27″ East longitude.
Weight of soil sample taken from the research site was ± 1000 grams at each point, and the result of sediment sample test performed at the Soil Mechanics Laboratory of Civil Engineering Department, Sultan Agung University, Semarang showed that the research area is dominated by sand, followed by mud and gravel. There were several tests conducted include grain size analysis, hydrometer analysis, and specific gravity analysis to determine the D50 of the sediment. In the study area, several sampling points were taken, started from upstream area of the river in front of Rolak 70 building to the Rolak 70 Retention Pool. For this purpose, a MIKE 21 software modelling was used to determine distribution and lines of sedimentation in the study area. As visible from changes found in bed level morphology that occurred in Rolak 70 Retention Pool by cross section extraction, it can be seen that the largest change occurred in analysis for line 1 and the smallest bed level changes occurred in the analysis for line 6. Then, the result revealed that sedimentation tends to occur at large locations in upstream area of Rolak 70 Retention Pool, while the smallest sedimentation potential will happen at the downstream area of Rolak 70 Retention Pool. These results can be caused by changes of speed from the river flow which tends to decrease towards the end of Rolak 70 Retention Pool. So, the river flow has no more energy to carry heavy amount of sediments originating from the upstream area of the Konto River. By the existence of this retention pool, the need for rice field irrigation will not be disturbed by sediment deposits. In addition, the Rolak 70 Retention Pool can be used as temporary storage for material from Mount Kelud eruption where these materials can be utilized as building material or other useful purposes.
Keywords :
Analysis management, Jombang Regency, Mike 21 Software, Rolak 70 Retention Pool, Sedimentation line.References :
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