Abstract :
This research aims at revealing persuasive messages that are conveyed through narratives constructed by the preachers. Employing the theory of persuasion, narrative paradigm proposed by Fisher, this research analyzed three transcribed da‘wah texts that are originally have been researched by Hairus, et al from different tools of persuasion. The analysis results that there have been found ten narratives within the three sources of da’wah texts, comprising six narratives from da’wah text (DT) 1, one narrative from DT 2, and three from DT 3. In each DT, the story about the first president of Indonesia, Soekarno, is found. Other narratives’ themes are about the prophet Yusuf, Umar bin Khottob, King Fir’aun, Indonesian alim Buya Hamka, and unnamed characters. They are all assumed to be “good reasons” in the narratives because their story presents narrative probability and fidelity that the theory requires. Additionally, the foremost persuasive message is embracing iman, which is then followed by ridding them of their worries about being poor either in wealth and social power, because God will save one’s life based on their worship and their practices of good deeds.
Keywords :
da’wah, iman, narrative paradigm, persuasionReferences :
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