Abstract :
MSMEs are a segment of entrepreneurs with the largest number in Indonesia. MSMEs are the backbone of the Indonesian economy today. During the Covid-19 pandemic, MSMEs were affected by the pandemic so that the Indonesian economy weakened until a recession occurred. The government sees a solution based on this condition to restore and recover the economy, by restoring MSME players so they can boost the Indonesian economy again. The government considers that MSMEs need to digitize to restore trade conditions, as well as so that MSMEs can upgrade and survive in uncertain conditions. The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs encourages MSME businesses to digitize by asking IDCloudHost as a cloud and hosting service provider in Indonesia to help the government digitize MSMEs. The purpose of this study is to explain IDCloudHost’s internal and external factors and explain IDCloudHost’s business strategy in digitizing MSMEs in Indonesia. The method used is descriptive qualitative research method. The results show that IDCloudHost’s external and internal factors are summarized into strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities. IDCloudHost is currently carrying out a cost leadership strategy in reaching the MSME segment. Recommendations and action plans for IDCloudHost include developing knowledge and understanding in strengthening the management structure, innovating and developing special products for MSMEs that are affordable, and conducting digital literacy education for MSMEs for digitalization.
Keywords :
Digitalization, IDCloudHost, MSMEs, StrategyReferences :
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