Abstract :
This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of interactive edugame puzzle media in improving English language skills of primary school students. The method used is a literature study that reviews various literature and previous research results related to using interactive learning media, especially edugame puzzles, in learning English at the primary school level. The results of the analysis show that interactive edugame puzzle media has significant potential to improve students’ English language skills, especially in the aspects of vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension. Factors contributing to this media’s effectiveness include interactive elements, immediate feedback, and fun aspects that increase students’ learning motivation. However, effective implementation requires careful design and support from teachers. This study concludes that interactive edugame puzzle media can be a valuable tool in English language learning in primary schools, with recommendations for further research into optimal design and implementation strategies in different learning contexts.
Keywords :
Interactive edugames, Interactive learning media, Primary school, Puzzle mediaReferences :
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