Abstract :
During this study, we determined different biological parameters of Callosobruchus maculatus populations from two agro-ecological zones of Senegal (the ZSP and the ZVFS). To do this, strains of C. maculatus were collected in two localities, each representing an agro-ecological zone. The analysis of the results obtained shows that fecundity is greater for the strain coming from the silvopastoral zone (55.60 ± 19.144 eggs per female) than for that coming from the Senegal River valley zone (45 ± 18.577 eggs per female.). Furthermore, the evolution of egg laying shows that whatever the strain or population, more than 95% of eggs are laid during the first four days of the infestation with a peak on the second. In addition, the strains are characterized by an egg fertility rate exceeding 65% with a larval survival rate of over 75% and the Fouta strain has the highest rates. However, the emergence rate of the strain from the silvopastoral zone is lower at 49%. The longevity of adults in the Senegal River valley zone is significantly longer (11.035 ± 1.527 days) than that of adults in the silvopastoral zone. The sex ratio is in favor of males for both populations. The total development time and the oviposition-emergence time are relatively the same in the two strains with an average of 31 days and 21 days respectively.
Keywords :
References :
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