Abstract :
People’s demeanor and interactions in Indonesia have progressed into more digital, thus businesses and companies have shifted their marketing efforts to digital marketing. The objective of this investigation is to determine the effects of SMC on brand association and repurchase intention for a beauty brand in Indonesia, given the significant changes in people’s behavior and interaction caused by the use of digital technology, particularly social media, as well as the rapid growth of the beauty industry in Indonesia. 290 samples were gathered utilizing an online survey form. Purposive sampling was employed to ensure respondent validity, and the results were assessed using SmartPLS 3.0’s structural equation modeling (SEM) approach. This study discovered that social media communication had a positive and substantial effect on repurchase intention through brand association, with company-generated content having a stronger influence on repurchase intention than user-generated content.
Keywords :
Brand association, firm-generated content, Repurchase Intention, Social media communication, User-generated content.References :
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