Abstract :
Nearly a century and a half of global industrial development has created significant environmental problems in many countries. This requires public attention to environmental or Green issues, including energy conservation, recycling, and renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and geothermal energy. Among these industries, the hospitality industry has made a positive impact on environmental conservation through reduced energy and water consumption, better use of durable and consumable items, and reduction in the generation of solid and hazardous waste. Therefore, the current research focuses on exploring the mediating role of one affective determinant, i.e., affective affinity for nature, and one cognitive determinant, i.e., awareness of risk to nature. These two factors have been identified as significant independent determinants of pro-environmental commitments. The study used cross-sectional surveys to collect data. The research was carried out through the distribution of questionnaires with a choice of Likert scale answers. The research population is hotel employees in Surakarta with a sample of 120 respondents. Green Human Resource Management has no effect on Task-Related Pro-Environmental Performance. Green Human Resource Management has no effect on the Proactive Related Environmental Pro Performance. Green Human Resource Management has no effect on Environmental Commitment. Environmental Awareness fully mediates the relationship between Green Human Resource Management and Task-Related Pro-Environmental Performance. Environmental Awareness fully mediates the relationship between Green Human Resource Management and Proactive Environmental Pro-Performance. Environmental Awareness fully mediates the relationship between Green Human Resource Management and Environmental Commitment. Serving Leadership does not moderate the relationship between Green Human Resource Management and Task-Related Pro-Environmental Performance.
Keywords :
environmental awareness, Green Human Resource Management, Leadership Serving, Pro-Environmental Performance.References :
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