Abstract :
This study focuses on analyzing the direct and indirect effects of various marketing strategies on customer retention, with special emphasis on the role of perceived value as a mediator. To achieve the research objectives, a quantitative research design was adopted to collect data and capture customer feedback effectively, with a descriptive approach to explain each hypothesis and its implications in detail. A total of 250 valid questionnaires were received as survey participant responses for data analysis. The results of the analysis in this research are that perceived value has a positive relationship and significant effect on trust; perceived value does not have a significant effect on Nors Studio; trust has a positive and significant effect on Customer Retention; trust completely mediates perceived value to customer retention. Managerial implications based on these results are creating more services and educating customers about service offerings compared to competitors, improving services by implementing computerized systems to reduce errors, employee training, and proposing programs such as cash discounts or bonus products to maintain customer loyalty.
Keywords :
CSR, Customer Retention, perceived value, Sales Promotion., Social Media MarketingReferences :
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