Abstract :
This study aims to evaluate the impact of organizational restructuring on employee workload and satisfaction in the Shared Service & Support Unit of PT Telkom Regional III. A mixed-method approach was employed, combining qualitative and quantitative data collected through questionnaires, secondary data, and open surveys or discussions. The analysis results indicate that the average weekly overtime hours increased from 3 hours to 6.7 hours, with 43% of employees reporting a significant increase in workload, 43% indicating high stress levels, and more than 71.4% feeling burdened by their tasks since the restructuring. Furthermore, the factors causing excessive workload were identified using a Fishbone Diagram, which included a 55% reduction in the number of employees from 22 to 10, inefficient work processes, and a lack of technological investment. Based on these findings, workload management strategies were developed using the NASA TLX method and job design principles. These strategies include task redistribution, enhanced employee training, and the use of technology to automate manual tasks. The implementation of these strategies is expected to reduce excessive workload and improve employee well-being and satisfaction, thereby supporting operational efficiency and overall organizational success.
Keywords :
Employee Satisfaction, Fishbone Diagram, Job Design, Nasa-TLX, Organizational Restructuring, WorkloadReferences :
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