Abstract :
XYZ Insurance, a new entrant in the Indonesian insurance sector, aims to differentiate itself through a customer-centric approach with its “Clarity Project.” This initiative seeks to simplify insurance communication and enhance customer comprehension, addressing common industry challenges. However, the project’s effectiveness varies across sales channels. This research investigates the implementation and optimal marketing strategy for the Clarity Project through internal and external environmental analysis, SWOT analysis, and qualitative interviews with customers and management. The findings underscore the need for tailored marketing strategies for each sales channel, continuous customer research, and data-driven decision-making to optimize the project’s impact and drive sustainable growth. The study’s insights are relevant not only to XYZ Insurance but also to the broader insurance industry, emphasizing the importance of clear communication, customer focus, and appropriate marketing strategies for success in a competitive market.
Keywords :
Clarity Project, Environment Analysis, insurance, Marketing Strategy, Qualitative Research., Sales ChannelReferences :
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