Abstract :
Internal Audit serves as a strategic business partner, with the primary objective of assisting the organization in achieving its goals. Internal Audit division of Bank Sinar Syariah faces challenges due to a combination of high employee turnover and a knowledge gap among auditors. The implementation of knowledge management can help organizations in facing these challenges so that they can work effectively and improve their performance.
The research objective is to analyze the organization’s readiness to adopt knowledge management, identifying strengths and improvement also developing strategies for the implementation to be successful. This research using both qualitative and quantitative research methodology. The APO KM Assessment Tool was used to asses and analyze the survey that distributed to Internal Audit division employee. The qualitative method is used to discuss the findings from the survey and current condition also opportunity to improvement.
Based on assessment, the internal audit division of Bank Sinar Syariah is at Refinement Level with cumulative score of 164,48. There are several areas based on APO that the organization’s should improve which is People, Knowledge Process, Learning and Innovation, and Knowledge Outcomes. The research suggested that internal audit division of Bank Sinar Syariah need to develop KM procedure and policy, create a Knowledge Management System, implement KM programs and initiative. This research expected to enhance internal audit division of Bank Sinar Syariah overall effectiveness in knowledge management.
Keywords :
APO KM Assessment, Internal Audit, Knowledge Management.References :
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