Abstract :
This study aims to determine the quality of combustion properties of biochar briquettes mixed with goat manure charcoal, lontar shell and other biomass. The completely randomized design was applied with 4 different combinations tested, as follows: T1= 50% goat manure charcoal + 40% lontar shell + 10% lontar male fruit; T2= 50% goat manure charcoal + 40% lontar shell + 10% lamtoro twigs; T3= 50% goat manure charcoal + 40% lontar shell + 10% rice husk and T4= 50% goat manure charcoal + 40% lontar shell + 10% corn cob. The variables studied were combustion temperature, combustion rate, combustion resistance, flame color and combustion smoke. The average values obtained consecutively from T1-T4 are as follows: combustion temperature 272.9; 231.5; 228.8 and 280.8˚C; combustion rate 2.03; 1.61; 1.67 and 2.03 g/min; combustion resistance 210.0; 205.0; 195.0 and 225.0 min; flame color and combustion smoke 3.70; 3.65; 3.60 and 3.75. The results of variance analysis showed that the treatment had a very significant effect (P<0.01) on combustion temperature, but no significant effect (P>0.05) on combustion rate, combustion resistance, flame color and combustion smoke. It was concluded that the biochar briquettes produced had good combustion properties with indications of high combustion temperature (253.5°C), slow combustion rate (1.83 g/min), long combustion resistance (208.75 min), bluish red flame colour and no smoke emitted (score 3.68). The best treatment was shown in the mixture of 50% goat dung charcoal + 40% palm shell charcoal +10% corn cob charcoal (T4).
Keywords :
biochar briquettes, Biomass, combustion properties, goat manure, lontar shellsReferences :
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