Abstract :
This study analyzes the organizational culture of PT. SGM using the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) based on the Competing Values Framework (CVF). The research employs a quantitative approach, distributing OCAI questionnaires to all employees to evaluate six cultural dimensions: dominant characteristics, organizational leadership, management of employees, organizational glue, strategic emphases, and criteria of success. The findings reveal that PT. SGM’s current culture is predominantly clan-oriented, emphasizing a collaborative and supportive environment, with significant hierarchical elements reflecting structure and control. However, employees prefer a shift towards a more competitive market-oriented culture, focusing on achievement and innovation. The study recommends adopting a bottom-up approach to enhance employee participation and innovation, as well as implementing transformational leadership to balance the current culture with desired competitive and innovative traits. This approach aims to align the organization’s culture with employee preferences and market demands, fostering a dynamic and innovative work environment for long-term success.
Keywords :
Competing Values Framework, Human capital, OCAI, Organizational Culture, Transformational LeadershipReferences :
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