Abstract :
Tau Taa Wana Indigenous Law Society is an integral part of the nation that has traditional or indigenous rights that must be respected and protected. The existence of the value of customary law as a sub-national legal system is recognized constitutionally in Article 18B Paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of The Republic of Indonesia. The state recognizes, respects, and guarantees the enactment of customary law and its traditional rights as an integral part of the national legal system in Indonesia. This research aims to analyze and explain the legal recognition of the constitutional rights of Tau Taa Wana in the essential legal value of lempa dua as part of the Indonesian legal system for law enforcement eforts. This research used the normative-empirical method withlibrary research and the study of law as a reality (behavior) is done through research on how people follow the lempa dua principle as the living law. It shows that legal recognition of the rights of Tau Taa Wana guaranteed by the Constitution, as long it still exists as a subsystemofIndonesian law as well asa cultural identity and the rights of traditional peoples which is a human right that must be respected. As a subsystem of law, the principle of lempa dua also has a strict ordinance and division of duties between the three elements of kinship in resolving conflicts that occur between relatives tied in the principle of lempa dua. Also, juridicallydetermined that judges and Constitution Court judges as law enforcement are obliged to always keep up with the development of the values of law and justice ofsociety in prosecuting and deciding the case against the court.
Keywords :
and Recognition, Indigennous People, Tau Taa Wana, Traditional RightsReferences :
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