Abstract :
GHG emission remain the main issue for cement industry as well as global GHG emission record. GHG emission was still considered as the main contributor of global warming. Therefore, cement industry has an obligation to decarbonize its business. However, decarbonization is a complex process that need to be treated as an ecosystem. Low carbon cement is one of the objectives to decrease GHG emission in cement industry. The production of low carbon cement could be seen as an ecosystem that the stakeholders/actors within the ecosystem interacted each other. Stakeholder analysis and social network analysis could be used to evaluate the importance of the stakeholders/actors and the pattern of the interaction. By combining these two tools, there are 10 stakeholders/actors that should be put in main consideration. Eigenvector centrality and betweenness centrality were used to prioritize and evaluate the stakeholders. Construction company is the most popular stakeholder/actor and the most important intermediary actor due to its eigenvector centrality and betweenness centrality value of 0,347 and 35,610 respectively. Meanwhile construction company was also classified in a Player quadrant in power-interest matrix grid. In summary, cement company could prioritize its strategic initiative to engage with 10 most important and intermediaries’ actors in low carbon cement ecosystem.
Keywords :
betweenness centrality, eigenvector centrality, GHG emission, low carbon cement ecosystem, social network analysis, Stakeholder analysis.References :
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