Abstract :
Traditional performance management systems often suffer from bureaucracy and inefficiency in providing timely feedback and support (Awan et al., 2020). To address these issues, KPC implemented Entomo, a performance management platform with advanced features like goal creation, progress tracking, continuous feedback, and data analytics. This technology-driven approach aims to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of performance management practices. KPC’s Entomo implementation provides an opportunity to research the adoption of performance management system technology. This study evaluates KPC’s experiences, identifies factors with a positive and significant relationship with the application and performance management application, and offers recommendations to enhance the performance management system.
The research employed the technology acceptance model (Davis et al., 1989) and a quantitative approach using questionnaires. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed several important insights. The findings indicate that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and attitude toward using are key determinants of the intention to use the technology or system. Notably, attitude toward using has the strongest influence on users’ intention to adopt and use the system, followed by perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. The research suggests that organizations should prioritize improving user attitudes, enhancing perceived usefulness, and ensuring the system is easy to use when implementing new performance management applications to drive successful adoption.
Keywords :
Performance Management Application, Performance Management System, Technology Acceptance Model., Technology AdoptionReferences :
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