Abstract :
The current research aimed to identify the effect of the guided self-correction on students’ writing achievement. The study employed a quantitative design. The subject was 1 class which consisted of 31 students. This research used a purposive sampling method. The data were collected through the pre-test and post-test in the form of writing tests. The data from both pre and the post-tests were compared using SPSS 25.0 The results showed there was a statistically significant difference of students’ writing achievement when the students taught by guided self-correction with the significant level, 0.03. That is, when the students provided with the guided self-correction had better writing achievement. Therefore, the guided self-correction had statistically significant effects on the students’ descriptive writing achievement. The findings suggest that the guided could be implemented to facilitate students to improve their descriptive writing achievement.
Keywords :
Descriptive Text, Guided Self-Correction, Indonesian EFL Students, Self-Correction, Writing AchievementReferences :
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