Abstract :
This research evaluates the brand image, satisfaction, trust, love, loyalty, and overall experience of Benison Gorden, known for high-quality curtains and blinds, as it shifts its market focus from the middle to the upper class. Using a mixed-methods approach, the study gathered data through structured surveys and consumer feedback. Quantitative results showed strong performance across various indicators: brand image scores averaged 4.034, 4.000, and 4.025; satisfaction ranged from 4.084 to 4.139; trust averaged between 4.105 and 4.168; love brand indicators scored 4.109, 4.122, and 4.025; loyalty ranged from 4.088 to 4.164; and brand experience ranged from 4.059 to 4.118. Qualitative feedback revealed that consumers appreciate the premium quality and design of Benison Gorden products, associating them with exclusivity and prestige. However, consumers suggested improvements in customer service, personalization, and product customization. The study concludes that Benison Gorden can successfully shift its target market by maintaining high product quality, enhancing customer service, offering personalization, and expanding product options. This strategy aligns with upper-class consumer expectations and leverages their higher spending power. Benison Gorden’s strong performance across key brand indicators provides a solid foundation for this transition. The brand’s ability to evoke high emotional attachment and loyalty suggests it can build a devoted upper-class customer base. Positive overall brand experiences indicate the brand’s capacity to deliver consistent value, essential for growth in a competitive market. As Benison Gorden navigates this market shift, continuous monitoring of consumer feedback and adaptive strategies will be crucial. The research highlights the need for a comprehensive understanding of both quantitative metrics and qualitative insights into consumer behavior and sentiments. This dual approach provides a robust framework for strategic planning and decision-making, enabling Benison Gorden to effectively target the upper-class market. By leveraging its strengths and addressing areas for improvement, Benison Gorden can enhance its competitive edge and achieve long-term success. The study’s findings offer valuable guidance for other brands aiming to shift their market focus, demonstrating the effectiveness of integrating quantitative and qualitative data to inform strategic direction and ensure a successful transition.
Keywords :
Brand Image, Brand Loyalty, Branding Strategy, Consumer Satisfaction, Home DecorReferences :
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