Abstract :
As a huge maritime country, Indonesia has tremendous potential for marine resources. Indonesia is the largest tropical marine country in the world and has the largest biodiversity in the sea. The potential of marine biological resources in Indonesian waters has always been able to provide optimal benefits for the economic and socio-cultural development of the community. However, many fishermen conduct fishing easily and destructively (destructively fishing) of marine ecosystems using fishing gear that is not environmentally friendly to meet the demand for fish needs. The perpetrators use Dupont Lannate chemicals containing Methomil with mashed fish and then spread it into the sea, then pick up the dead fish. The use of chemical poisons can kill the animals that make up the coral so that the coral becomes discolored which eventually dies and other fish that are not targeted also die. Therefore in this study, the author examines law enforcement in Indonesia’s marine territory to protect the biodiversity of Indonesia’s marine areas. this study uses a Normative research type that examines national and international legal arrangements regarding the protection of the marine environment. Therefore researchers examine the regulation and effectiveness of law enforcement in Indonesia.
Keywords :
Destructive Fishing, Marine Ecosystems, ProtectionReferences :
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