Abstract :
Evaluation of the success of Artificial Insemination (AI) aims to determine the value of reproductive efficiency of a livestock group. This study aimed to evaluate the success of AI using frozen semen of Wagyu cattle based on S/C, NRR, CR, CvR, and weaning rate in Situbondo District. The material used was secondary data in the form of AI data from 184 beef cows that have been inseminated with frozen semen of Wagyu cattle in Situbondo District. The method used was quantitative research. The results showed that reproductive evaluation of cows that have been inseminated with frozen semen of Wagyu cattle had S/C value of 2, NRR1 of 64%, NRR2 of 55%, CR of 49%, CvR of 53%, and weaning rate of 44%.
Keywords :
Artificial Insemination, Calving Rate, Reproduction Evaluation, Wagyu Cattle., Weaning RateReferences :
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