Abstract :
Introduction: The pituitary gland plays a role in the production of the hormones FSH and LH, which influence development follicles And process ovulation. In addition, the pituitary gland indirectly plays a role in regulating the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter role in arrange atmosphere heart. This research aims to find out about the role of the pituitary gland in mood changes during the premenstrual period.
Methodology: This research uses a literature study method by examining existing data.
Results: Research results show that change atmosphere liver in the premenstrual phase can caused by change hormonal, like decline production serotonin consequence decreasing rate hormone estrogen and progesterone, which influence mood and emotions.
Discussion: The pituitary gland has a role in influencing the ovulation process in the premenstrual phase and also regulates serotonin production which causes an imbalance in the hormones produced by the ovaries, namely estrogen and progesterone, resulting in mood swings.
Keywords :
gland pituitary, mood swings, premenstruation.References :
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