Abstract :
Background: The occupational safety and health management system is part of the overall management system in the context of controlling work-related risks in order to create a safe, efficient and productive workplace. The aim of this research is to analyze the implementation of the occupational safety and health management system in hospitals. According to the management report of the Occupational Safety and Health committee at Bhayangkara Kendari Hospital in 2023, it was stated that the hospital had not carried out occupational risk management as part of the hospital’s occupational safety and health planning.
Method: This research is a qualitative descriptive research method. There were 11 informants in the research. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling.
Results: The results of the research show that Bhayangkara Kendari Hospital has implemented an Occupational Safety and Health Policy and Occupational Safety and Health risk management planning, but the results obtained in the Implementation of Occupational Safety and Health, Monitoring and Evaluation in the Hospital’s Occupational Safety and Health program do not meet standards. Optimal Occupational Safety and Health.
Conclusion: Bhayangkara Kendari Hospital has implemented the Hospital Occupational Safety and Health policy in accordance with Minister of Health Regulation No. 66 of 2016 with a commitment to implementing Occupational Safety and Health, but is hampered by the unavailability of special health services. There are still health workers who provide health services without using personal protective equipment, and there are still those who violate the KTR and there are no monthly and annual evaluation reports on Hospital Occupational Safety and Health. This research can be used as reference material for hospitals to optimally implement Hospital Occupational Safety and Health to increase the knowledge of health workers in implementing occupational safety and health by familiarizing themselves with occupational safety and health cultural behavior.
Keywords :
hospital, Management, Occupational safety and health.References :
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