Abstract :
This study analyzes and enhances the effectiveness of remote leadership within PT. XYZ’s Business Development Expansion team, crucial to the company’s growth. Despite PT. XYZ’s expansion beyond Jabodetabek, the remotely managed business development team’s performance has lagged compared to the directly managed Jabodetabek team. Using the DMAIC framework, this research identifies and addresses inefficiencies in remote leadership. Data was collected through interviews and company documents, employing methods such as fishbone analysis and the 5 Whys technique. Key findings indicate issues in leadership and management, tools and technology, and skills and impact. Problems include the absence of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), lack of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), poor integration with support divisions, centralized data management, complex products, inadequate training, and lack of an integrated system for remote operations. The study recommends creating comprehensive SOPs, establishing specific KPIs, improving communication with support departments, decentralizing data management, simplifying product offerings, conducting regular training, and implementing an integrated management system to enhance remote leadership practices.
Keywords :
Business Development, Expansion Team, Leadership Strategies, performance improvement, Remote Leadership.References :
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