Abstract :
This study evaluates the impact of motivating variables on worker performance in Nangarhar, Afghanistan’s telecommunications industry. The data from relevant respondents is gathered using the stratified random sampling technique. The study’s sample size consists of 120 workers from Nangarhar telecommunications industry. The study’s outcome is analyzed using the basic linear regression technique. Positive correlations have been found between motivating elements and employee performance. This suggests that employee performance will rise in tandem with an increase in motivating factors. The degree of relationship is shown by the correlation’s size, which is 73%. This suggests that there is a 73% correlation between motivating factors and employee performance. According to the anticipated positive coefficient of motivating variables, employee performance would climb with every unit increase in these components. With all other variables held constant, an increase of one unit in motivational factors would result in an average improvement in employee performance of 35.4%, according to the magnitude of the coefficient, which is 0.354. The explanatory power of the study’s independent variables is indicated by the R-square. The study’s R-square of 68 percent indicates that the independent factors contributed 68 percent of the variation in the dependent variable. The model’s overall relevance or fitness is demonstrated by the F-statistics. Since the model’s p-value is less than 5%, the model as a whole is significant.
Keywords :
Employee Performance, Motivational Factors, TelecommunicationReferences :
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