Abstract :
This study explores the current purchasing behavior of companies in forming partnerships with solar PV developer companies (B2B), using a decision journey methodology. It investigates the impact of implementing renewable energy, particularly solar PV, in Indonesia, as well as the encouragement from local government to accelerate solar PV development. Additionally, Indonesia’s substantial solar PV potential has intensified competition among solar PV development companies to capture new markets. PT. XYZ aims to expand its market share using the decision journey methodology, driven by a significant market gap of approximately 300 trillion compared to its two main competitors.
Through qualitative analysis, including interviews with five representatives from a large company in the business electricity sector with over 50 tenant companies, insights were gathered into the diverse decision-making processes within this service category. The findings underscore the importance of tailored marketing strategies based on product attributes. Overall, this research illuminates evolving consumer behavior in forming partnerships with solar PV developer companies through a B2B market approach, offering valuable insights for strategic marketing.
Keywords :
Competitor Analysis, Customer Analysis, Decision Journey, Hierarchy of Effect, Marketing Mix, Marketing Strategy B2B, STP Analysis.References :
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