Abstract :
In preparing the order of life in the era of revolution 4.0, it is necessary to prepare competencies in achieving national education goals. The competency needed in the 21st century is the ability to think at a high level. These skills are critical thinking, creative, collaborative and communicative. This meta-analysis study aims to analyze the effect of using the Argument Driven Inquiry (ADI) model towards increasing students’ critical thinking skills in learning. The method used in this research is a meta-analysis method by reviewing 9 journal articles and integrating 1 international journal article and 8 national journal articles. Data analysis was carried out by calculating the average Effect Size (ES) which is then categorized based on interpretation of Cohen’s criteria. Based on the study results, the average ES model in the effect of applying the ADI model on students’ critical thinking skills is 0.36 in the medium category. So, it can be concluded that the ADI model can have a positive effect on students’ critical thinking skills.
Keywords :
Argument Driven Inquiry (ADI), Argumentation, Critical Thinking Skills, Effect Size, Meta-AnalysisReferences :
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