Abstract :
This research uses a qualitative approach in the form of descriptive research by applying the 4D development model. The main aim of this research is to increase the competitiveness of the Patas Tactical Makassar fashion business. The research was conducted from December to February, with the research location at the Makassar Fashion Patas Tactical business. The object of research is the business, while research subjects include owners, leaders, employees, consumers and regular customers. The research focus is on developing business models by applying the elements of Discovery, Dreaming, Design, and Destiny. Data collection methods used include observation, interviews and documentation. The research results show that Fashion Patas Tactical has succeeded in developing their business through a structured start-up-based approach, with four main phases: Dreaming, Design, Delivery, and Destiny. The company has set an ambitious vision and implemented targeted strategies to create a strong foundation for sustainable growth. Focusing on product quality, innovation, superior customer service and sustainability are the main pillars in their business journey. Thus, research shows that Fashion Patas Tactical has succeeded in building a strong and strategic foundation to face market challenges and achieve sustainable growth in the fashion industry.
Keywords :
Business Competition, Business Development, Competitiveness, Start-ups.References :
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