Abstract :
This study seeks to examine how language is used in the social interactions of contemporary Indonesian society. The language use in question is an example of how modern culture in Indonesia interacts through code switching and code mixing. Using a qualitative descriptive research design, this type of research was conducted. The information referred to in this study is communication between contemporary Indonesians that demonstrates code switching and code mixing in modern culture. The speech in question takes the shape of a dialogue and includes words, phrases, clauses, and sentences that operate both as code switches and code mixers as well as having parts of both. Sources of data in this study came from the internet, namely previous research data, outstanding issues, and social media. Data analysis techniques were carried out with all utterances that show the occurrence of code- switching and code-mixing in the interactions of modern society in Indonesia. Furthermore, the classification and categories of the entire data are carried out. The data were analyzed by selecting and sorting out the forms and functions of code switching and code mixing in the interactions of modern society in Indonesia. After being analyzed and classified, the data is described and translated to find out the nature and applications of code switching and interference in contemporary Indonesian social interactions.
Keywords :
Code-mixing, Code-switching, Communication, Modern society, SociolinguisticsReferences :
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