Abstract :
This study aims to find out whether the Guided Writing technique based on Project-based Learning could improve the students’ descriptive text writing. The research was a quantitative research. The design was one-group pretest-posttest design where there was only one group as the experimental class. The study was done in SMPN 1 Dente Teladas Grade VII, consisting of 32 students. There was a total of six meetings, which were 1 meeting for pretest, 4 meetings for the treatment, and 1 meeting for the posttest. The data was collected from a writing test and analyzed using SPSS v.25. The result shows that the Guided Writing technique based on Project-based learning could improve the students’ descriptive text writing. In conclusion, the use of Guided Writing technique is maximized when it is used based on Project-based learning, and applying the Guided Writing technique based on Project-based Learning is able to cover the weakness that the Guided Writing technique has.
Keywords :
Descriptive Text, Guided Writing Technique, Project-Based Learning., Quantitative Research, WritingReferences :
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