Abstract :
Kapau Anak Sultan is a quick-service restaurant chain specializing in Nasi Kapau, a mixed rice dish from Nagari Kapau, West Sumatra. Established in early 2021, Kapau Anak Sultan currently has over 20 outlets all over the Jabodetabek area and other cities in Indonesia. According to the external analysis, the constant rise of GDP mostly due to F&B businesses and the increase in monthly expenditure for food and beverage has made the outlook for the F&B businesses in Indonesia promising. However, the sales of Kapau Anak Sultan are declining, and brand awareness is still considered low compared to competitors. Thus, this research was conducted to provide Kapau Anak Sultan with marketing strategies aligned with the business strategy. This research used primary and secondary data. To obtain the primary data, both qualitative and quantitative methods were used in this research. To determine the current customer and internal conditions, an in-depth interview with the CEO and management was carried out. Furthermore, an online survey was conducted for the customer analysis, in which 224 respondents were obtained. Meanwhile, the secondary data, for instance, textbooks and previous research journals were used to determine the external conditions. This research affords the new segmentation, targeting, and positioning for Kapau Anak Sultan and provides the new marketing mix (4Ps), such as product, price, place, and promotion. In summary, Kapau Anak Sultan needs to re-assess its resources and capabilities to deliver excellent marketing strategies and be able to survive in the strict competition in the F&B industry.
Keywords :
Brand awareness, F&B Industry, Marketing Strategy, Nasi Kapau, Sales, Secondary Brand AssociationsReferences :
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