Abstract :
Sustainable financial performance is one of the main objectives of SMEs, but achieving optimal sustainable financial performance needs to be supported by the ability of resources owned by SMEs, both from the level of green intellectual capital and financial literacy. Hence, this research aims to determine the effect of green intellectual capital and financial literacy on sustainable financial performance. This research uses a quantitative descriptive method. Data is collected in the form of primary data through the distribution of questionnaires. The study population consisted of all Tofu Factory SMEs in Karawang Regency, as many as 105 SMEs, using a Purposive Sampling Strategy Criteria; thus, the final sample used was 90 respondents. Data processing techniques were carried out using PLS with SmartPLS 3.0 software through three data testing stages: the outer model, the inner model, and the hypothesis. The results found a positive and significant influence of green intellectual capital on the sustainable financial performance of Tofu Factory SMEs. Sustainable financial performance is also positively and significantly influenced by the financial literacy of Tofu Factory SMEs. Suggestions for further researchers are expected to add variables of green product innovation, creativity capital, and green financing, because those who examine these variables are still very limited; thus, they can create a more accurate model based on the actual conditions in SMEs.
Keywords :
Financial Literacy, green intellectual capital, Sustainable Financial PerformanceReferences :
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