Abstract :
Workers are an important factor in and have a very important role in carrying out tasks in a company. Companies understand that skilled workers can provide excellent results. Improved worker performance leads to increased productivity and desired results, thus affecting the quality of the product. Competence is a key factor that improves employee performance. This level of proficiency has a direct impact on the work of each worker. The current problem is that there is a difference in competence between the company’s needs and the competence of the available workforce. The subjects of this research are employees of PT Lignite Coal, especially those who work in the Component Development Section and the objects in this study are work competency variables and employee performance. The instruments used in data collection are observation, focus group discussions and interviews and data management or documents related to existing training. This research uses an analysis method with an open coding process. Open coding is an approach to theme pieces and incorporates several concepts identified during data collection in an organized and systematic way. By obtaining data related to competency gaps that occur in the Component Rebuild Section, it can be analyzed for training programs developed from existing training programs to be more on target and according to work needs in the Component Rebuild Section so that there are no more competency gaps. The research data shows that there is a competency gap that occurs due to differences in the adaptability, knowledge and expertise of each tradesperson in the component rebuild section (remanufacturing process).
The results of this study indicate that training has a positive and significant effect on increasing employee competence which can improve employee performance which affects the quality of the product. Training programs with the right material and the right delivery method by adapting to the latest technology will greatly help in eliminating competency gaps and developing employee competencies so that employees are able to work well where employees are able to adapt to new technology and are able to increase their knowledge which in turn is able to analyze and provide recommendations for improvements which ultimately affect the performance of components that are able to achieve the specified target life.
Keywords :
Competencies gap, Competency, Development, Performance, Training.References :
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