Abstract :
The study was carried out by 5 mixed- people living in Burundi, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo, within the framework of guided interview seminars, in order to analyze the construction of mixed-ethics people in the context of identity conflicts due to ethnic or cultural conflicts, otherwise known as “ethnocultural conflicts”. Mestizos are a minority in the states where we live, and are considered problematic in the various societies of Africa’s Great Lakes region country. My fieldwork revealed that mixed-ethnic people in these three countries are victims of several atrocities, including ethnic marginalization, nepotism, socio-political demonization and economic discrimination. In this context, I have attempted to identify the main actors involved in identity conflicts among mixed-ethic people, and to propose a perspective of dialogue as a solution to the situations of the mixed-ethnic people mentioned above. On this basis, a number of recommendations have been put forward to reinforce the hope of positive action at regional level for the promotion of peace and lasting stability, particularly for mixed people who are increasingly victims of appearance status at UN level.
Keywords :
D.R. Congo and Burundi, Identity crisis, Inter-state conflicts, Peoples. Mixed Parents, RwandaReferences :
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