Abstract :
Low back pain (LBP) is an acute or chronic pain that can be felt in the waist area or in the lumbosacral area. One way to deal with LBP complaints is to use infrared radiation (IRR) and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the combination of IRR and TENS on the functional abilities of farmers with LBP. The quasi-experimental study was conducted on 84 respondents (intervention group n=42, control group n =42) who were purposefully recruited from March to April 2024. Variable measurement is done using the back pain functional scale questionnaire (BPFS). Paired T Test and Independent T test are used for data analysis. The results of the study showed that although both groups had an influence on the functional abilities of LBP farmers (p<0,001), in the intervention group it was shown to improve the functional abilities scores of farmers with lBP compared to the control group (15.64 vs 13.29). It is recommended to farmers to carry out IRR and TENS therapeutic measures according to the functional scale of LBP, and it is also advised to healthcare professionals at the public health center to be able to establish cooperation with the parties concerned to organize the treatment program of LBP on farmers using the combination of IRR and TENS.
Keywords :
Farmers, Indonesia, Low Back Pain, Quasi Experimental StudyReferences :
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