Abstract :
This research investigated the eating habits of college students at St. Paul University Surigao and their potential impact on academic performance. This study employs a descriptive-quantitative research design to explore the tangible effects of eating habits on the academic performance of St. Paul University College students. It encompasses approximately 70% of undergraduate students from various academic departments at the institution. To gather data, a researcher-designed questionnaire was administered, and subsequent analysis utilized methods such as Frequency Count and Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation, Analysis of Variance, and Pearson r. The most significant finding is the negative correlation between various eating habits and academic performance, indicating that students engaging in fuel, fun, fog, and storm eating habits tend to have lower academic performance. This highlights the potential impact of dietary choices on educational outcomes. The most relevant recommendation is to promote healthier eating habits among college students through comprehensive approaches that include nutrition education, increased availability of nutritious food options, and resources for stress management, as it directly addresses the negative correlation between eating habits and academic performance, impacting both students’ well-being and their educational outcomes. This study underscores the significance of nourishment in enhancing the overall well-being and academic achievements of St. Paul University Surigao students.
Keywords :
Academic Performance, college students, Descriptive Survey, Eating habits, Philippines., SurigaoReferences :
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