Abstract :
Salmonella specie is one of the four key global causes of diarrhoeal diseases. In this research we investigated the frequency occurrence of salmonella species isolated from ready-to-eat porridge beans sold from vendors in the proximity of federal polytechnic of oil and gas bonny island. A total of 40 samples were purchased from four different food vendors in four different spots [vendor 1(The first spot), vendor 11(second spot), vendor 111(third spot) and vendor 1V (fourth spot)] between February and May 2024.All samples were processed and analysed using standard culturebased, biochemical methods and antibiotic susceptibility test assays to confirm salmonella isolates. The highest total occurrence of heterotrophic bacteria population densities were: vendor1 4.0.0×105CFU/g; vendor11 4.4×107CFU/g, vendor111 4.5×102CFU/g and vendor 1V 4.2×109CFU/g. The highest total occurrence of salmonella population density were, for vendor1 3.9×102, Vendor11 2.7×104 , Vendor111 4.1×105,Vendor1V 4.4×103 respectively. Antibiotics susceptibility test was performed for the isolates which exhibited that all of them were susceptible to Ciprofloxacin (CPR)-5 g, Nitrofurantoin (NIT)-30 g, Oflotaxin (OFL)-5 g, were susceptible to Salmonella species. While Gentamicin (GEN)-10 g, and Cefuroxime (CXM)-5 g, were intermediate and Finally, Augmentin (AUG)-30 g, Cefuroxime (CAZ)-30 g, and Cefuroxime (CRX)-30 g were resistant to Salmonella species. Therefore, it can be stated that ready-to-eat porridge beans sold in the proximity of FPOG environment are possible route of transmission for Salmonella species. However, due to lack of intense antibiotic resistance among these bacteria, most of them can be treated with the antibiotics available in the market. Nonetheless, strict monitoring and regular surveillance is necessary.
Keywords :
Antibiotic Sensitivity, Contamination, Cooked Porridge Beans, RTE food, Salmonella Spp. Antibiotic Resistance.References :
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