Abstract :
Obesity is now a major concern among Thai citizens and the world population, as the proportion of people who are obese has been rising for decades. Obesity can lead to many health issues, such as heart disease, stroke, hypertension, and diabetes, and therefore is a problem that should be addressed. As various studies have suggested, there is an association between blood types and certain diseases including obesity. Eating behaviors appropriate for each blood type is one of the suggested ways to lose weight and be healthy. Accordingly, we conducted a survey on the Bangkok citizens to find the correlation between their knowledge and understanding of eating behaviors appropriate for each blood type and their impact on obesity, with a total of 301 responses obtained from Google Forms. The questionnaires include general information and questions about blood type diets. The results showed no significant correlation between knowledge and understanding of blood type diets and the body mass index (BMI). However, there is a significant correlation between gender and knowledge of the blood type diet. As a result, this study has revealed a lack of awareness on blood type diets among the population in Bangkok, which has a knowledge score of 7.99 out of 20, and showed that there is no significant correlation between the score and obesity.
Keywords :
Blood type, Blood type diets, body mass index, Eating behavior, ObesityReferences :
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