Abstract :
Cloves are an agricultural commodity that has great potential. CV Mega Tiga Anugrah is a clove supplier located on Java Island, where the clove supply is obtained from farmers from various regions on Sulawesi Island. This research aims to analyze product flows, money flows and information flows as well as the supply chain actors’ activities. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method with a case study approach. The research results show that the clove supply chain mechanism starts from the flow of products from farmers, small collectors, medium collectors, large collectors, and CV companies. Mega Tiga Anugrah, until they reached the cigarette factory. The flow of information in the clove supply chain is well integrated between supply chain actors, while the flow of money occurs by the agreement of the supply chain actors. Supply chain activities consist of two actors in the supply chain, namely the main and supporting actors. The main actors are farmers, small, medium, and large collectors, and the CV Mega Tiga Anugrah company. Meanwhile, the supporting actors include transport workers, factory workers, and the Cigarette Factory Company PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk.
Keywords :
Clove commodities, information flow, money flow, product flow, Supply ChainReferences :
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