Abstract :
This research aims to investigate the significant difference in the students’ writing achievement and explore their perceptions on the project-based learning aided by Canva. The study employed a quantitative experimental method that the data were taken from pre-test and post-test of writing and students’ perception questionnaire. The design of this research used one group pre-test and post-test design and the sample was taken randomly. The number of samples was 29 in one grade eleven class of Vocational School in Lampung Province, Indonesia. The data were analyzed statistically by using a paired sample test.
The results demonstrated that the integration of Canva in project-based learning positively impacted students’ writing achievement. The mean score of the pre-test was 63.62 and the post-test was 76.28. The gain between the mean score of pre-test and post-test was 12.655. In addition, the significance level was 0.000 < 0.05. It means there was a significant difference between students’ writing achievement in the pre-test and post-test. Besides that, the researcher also compared the t-value with the t-table. In this research, the t-value was 19.716 > 2.048. It means that the implementation of Canva-aided project-based learning could improve the students’ writing achievement. Regarding the students’ perceptions, the use of Canva in language learning was dominantly positive, with many responses that Canva facilitated their expression of ideas and enhanced motivation in language learning.
In conclusion, this research highlights the potential benefits of using appropriate technology, such as Canva, to foster learning achievements in language education. Implementing Canva-aided project-based learning provided visually appealing support and encouraged students’ creativity in expressing their ideas. The researcher suggests further integrating this technology into the language learning process to improve students’ writing skills and overall learning motivation.
Keywords :
Canva, Project-Based Learning., students' perceptions, Technology, Writing AchievementReferences :
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