Abstract :
The experiment goals to investigate the physicochemical properties of biochar briquette mixed of goat dung, saboak shell and corn cob charcoal. Research used a completely randomized design with 4 different treatments were: P1 = 25% of goat dung + 75% saboak shell charcoal; P2 = 25% of goat dung + 50% saboak shell + 25% corn cob charcoal; P3 = 25% of goat dung + 25% saboak shell + 50% corn cobs charcoal; P4 =25% of goat dung + 75% corn cobs charcoal. Variables measured included yield, density, moisture, ash, calorific value, volatille matter and fixed carbon. Data were analyzed according to the statistic analysis procedure. The mean values obtained were yield 57.54%; density 0.62 g/cm3; moisture 4.67%; ash 16.93%; calorific value 5198.75 cal/g; volatile matter 25.18%; fixed carbon 53.23%. The results of variance analysis showed that the treatment had a very significant effect (P<0.01) on density and calorific value but not significant (P>0.05) on yield, moisture, ash, volatile matter and fixed carbon. It can be concluded that using of corn cobs as substitute of saboak shell ini briquettes making blend of goat manure can be improve the calorific value, with similar ini yield, moisture, ash, volatile matter and fixed carbon. The best characteristic of briquettes find out in mixing of 25% goat manure + 25% saboak shell + 50% corn cobs.
Keywords :
biochar briquettes, corn cobs, goat dung, Physicochemical, saboak shellsReferences :
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