Abstract :
In the pencak silat sport, biomotors are really needed to support the required movements. This research aims to determine the biomotor skills of pencak silat extracurricular students at SMP Negeri 5 Tanjung Selor. The type of research used is descriptive research with test and measurement methods. The sample used in this research was 22 students. The data collection technique in this research uses performance tests with biomotor test instruments used, namely 1) speed, 2) strength, 3) flexibility, 4) explosive power, 5) agility, and 6) endurance. The results of the study showed that overall biomotor skills were 1 student or 4.55% in the Very Good category, 5 students or 27.73% were in the Good category, there were 10 students or 45.45% in the Medium category, there were 4 students or 18.18% were in the Poor category, there were 2 students or 9.09% in the Very Poor category. So it can be concluded that the biomotor skills of pencak silat extracurricular students at SMP Negeri 5 Tanjung Selor are in the Medium category, a percentage of 45.45% or 10 students
Keywords :
Biomotor, Extracurricular, Pencak Silat, SkillsReferences :
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