Abstract :
This study investigates the impact of independent commissioners, audit committees, institutional ownership, and managerial ownership on the firm value of Indonesian manufacturing companies, both before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Employing a quantitative research design and associative research approach, our findings reveal a positive relationship between independent commissioners and firm value, supporting existing literature on the role of independent commissioners in enhancing corporate governance. Conversely, the analysis indicates a negative influence of audit committees on firm value, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach to their formation to avoid undue restrictions on managerial autonomy. The examination of institutional and managerial ownership’s effects on firm value yields inconclusive results, suggesting the need for further exploration. Additionally, our study evaluates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on firm value using a dummy variable and a t-test, revealing no significant change in values during the pandemic. The focus on the Indonesian manufacturing sector provides valuable context, suggesting potential sector-specific resilience to pandemic challenges. Overall, this research contributes nuanced insights into corporate governance dynamics and their resilience in the face of unprecedented global events.
Keywords :
Audit Committees, Corporate Governance, COVID-19, Firm value, Independent Commissioners, Institutional Ownership, Managerial Ownership.References :
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