Abstract :
This research aims to determine the effect of dividend policy and company size on company value with profitability as a moderating variable in energy sector companies listed on the BEI in 2018-2022. This research was conducted based on information obtained on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. The sampling technique for this research uses a purposive sampling method. The population in this study was 82 energy sector companies listed on the IDX in 2018-2022 and the sample used was 21 companies. The type of data used is secondary data and the data analysis technique is panel data regression and the Moderate Regression Analysis (MRA) test with analysis tools using Eviews 10 software. The results of this research show that dividend policy has no effect on company value and company size has a positive and significant effect on company value. Profitability is able to positively moderate (strengthen) of dividend policy on company value, while profitability is able to positively moderate (strengthen) the influence of company size on company value.
Keywords :
Company Size, Company Value, Dividend Policy, Energy Sector, profitabilityReferences :
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