Abstract :
This study aims to determine the effect of intellectual capital, leverage, and company size on profitability and their impact on company value in the food and beverage sub-sector.
This research is quantitative empirical research using hypothesis research that examines the significant influence and direction of the direct and indirect relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable through the intervening variable. This study used a sample of food and beverage sub-sector companies listed on the IDX for 2012–2022 using a purposive sampling method where 45 companies were obtained from the population and 14 companies were selected according to predetermined criteria.
Based on statistical test results, it was found that intellectual capital partially had a negative and insignificant effect on profitability, while leverage and company size had a positive and significant effect on profitability. Partially, intellectual capital, leverage and profitability have a positive and significant effect on company value, while company size has a negative and insignificant effect on company value. Partially, the results of the Sobel Test Path Analysis indirectly mean that profitability as an intervening variable is not able to mediate the influence of intellectual capital and leverage on company value, while directly profitability as an intervening variable is able to mediate the influence of company size on company value.
Keywords :
Company Size, Company Value, Intellectual Capital., leverage, profitabilityReferences :
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