Abstract :
This study explored the relationship between the Intelligent Career Theory framework (ICTF) and the MBA’s Program Educational Objectives (PEO). Employing a self-reported questionnaire survey with 11 MBA graduates from the past five years, the research examined graduates’ perceptions of the program’s effectiveness in fostering skills and knowledge aligned with the core ICTF components: Knowing Why (Intrinsic motivation and career goals), Knowing How (Knowledge & skills), and Knowing Whom (professional networks & mentors). Pearson’s correlation coefficients were utilized to analyze the relationship between these ICTF components and the program’s PEOs. The Permutations were employed to deal with the limitations of a small sample. The significant correlation between the ICTF components and PEOs with the relative strength of know-why and weakness of know-whom provide insight into the program’s alignment with career intelligence development. Recommendations for curriculum improvement and ongoing program evaluation based on the ICTF framework are presented. This study highlights the value of ICTF as a tool for enhancing MBA programs and empowering graduates for successful careers.
Keywords :
Intelligent Career Theory Framework, MBA graduates, Permutation Correlations., Program Educational ObjectivesReferences :
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