Abstract :
The dynamic interaction of pragmatics, semantics, and culture in language understanding and communication is examined in this narrative review. The review emphasizes how pragmatics and semantics provide complementary viewpoints on language meaning, drawing on current findings in linguistics and communication studies. Semantics concentrates on the exact meanings of words, but pragmatics takes speaker intent and context into account. Comprehending both improves meaning interpretation and communication. The research also highlights how culture influences, how language is used and understood, especially when it comes to nonverbal cues like humor and manners. Language is used to communicate and understand emotions, and this is influenced by cultural quirks. The results highlight how crucial it is to take cultural background, emotional expression, and context into account when developing language instruction and communication approaches. The study ends with recommendations for future research, such as cross-cultural comparison studies, language change monitoring longitudinal studies, and examinations of how language usage is affected by digital platforms. This review advances pragmatics knowledge, which leads to more successful communication techniques in a variety of settings.
Keywords :
Communication, Culture, Language, Pragmatics, SemanticsReferences :
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