Abstract :
Teaching-learning activities involve various elements, such as classroom management. Learning approach is a way for teachers to manage the class because it assists them in learning activity. This study was qualitative study using data obtained from documentation and observation. Score average and percentage were employed as research technique to determine the correlation between learning approach in classroom management and learning success. This study aims to find out how real-life experience can be used as learning approach in managing art class. Accordingly, the results indicated that implementing a real-life experience-based approach in managing art classes showed a positive but insignificant effect. It seen from good category (an average of 3.00-3.75) and midterm scores that show 52.9% scored higher than 65 (passing mark), while 47.1% scored less than 65. It indicates although the approach had positive influence, it was not significant in improving students’ results.
Keywords :
Arts education, Classroom management, Freedom in learning, Real-life-based learning.References :
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