Abstract :
Despite smartphones’ critical benefits in several aspects of living in this generation, their emissions of radiation exert profound effects on the physical health of the affected individuals, including heightened risks of cancer as well as increased fibroblast activity of the skin. The aim of this study endeavors to determine the correlation between awareness of the dangers in utilizing smartphones before bed and sleep quality among high school students, to raise consciousness of the perils of smartphone radiation, and to observe sleep qualities among high school students. Through previous research, it was hypothesized that awareness of the dangers in smartphone radiation would negatively impact the sleep quality of the participants due to the negative ramifications of the radiation. To verify whether this also implies an impact on the Thai population, data were collected using a cross-sectional method with random samples of both Thai and international high school students. The information was later analyzed via Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS). The results indicate a robust correlation between dangers in smartphone’s radiation and sleep quality (p = 0.451**), grade and sleep quality (p = 0.003*), and age and sleep quality (p = 0.002*). Moreover, a strong correlation between grade and sleep quality, as well as age and sleep quality, can be inferred that grade and age correlate with the amount of stress within individuals, having a negative effect on individuals’ sleep quality. Ultimately, this research not only analyzes the correlation in the findings but also aims to raise awareness of potential hazards in smartphone radiation among high school students to enhance their sleep quality.
Keywords :
high school students, sleep quality, Smartphone radiation, StressReferences :
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