Abstract :
In the beginning, craft as a category of art was established because of its traditional cultural elements. However, in its development, contemporary craft art features many other styles and elements of art, making it difficult to distinguish craft art from other types of art. To adjust to the development and new characteristics of contemporary craft art, it is necessary to develop new methods in the creation of craft art. One of them is cultural hybridization. This article offers a method of creation by adopting the concept of a hybrid aesthetic. Through this method, artists are invited to experiment with visually re-actualizing traditional cultural elements in the creation of craft works among modern art elements.
The main question that needs to be asked is how the hybrid aesthetic method can provide certain strength in reaffirming the definition of craft art according to the development of contemporary art. The adoption or application of the hybrid aesthetic concept in the creation of contemporary craft must still consider traditional elements and the adoption of other elements with the application of new methods of creation. The hybrid aesthetic concept produces a unique genre and has the opportunity to sustain an aura of originality through the re-actualization of traditional elements in a strong visual in the global art scene.
Keywords :
Appropriation, Contemporary Craft Art, Hybrid Aesthetics, Re-actualization, Traditionalism.References :
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