Abstract :
Developing competency and especially self-study competency for students is one of the requirements in the 2018 General Education Program. Developing self-study competency for students is an inevitable trend of all times. , because the educational process is essentially the process of transforming the object of education (student) from an object of education into a subject of self-education. Based on the identification of three concepts: Teaching method, AI Chatbot and self-learning competency, we summarize the teaching method to develop competency and AI Chatbot. Next, illustrate the development of self-study competency for students using three teaching methods: differentiated teaching, Exploratory learning and using experiments in teaching combined with the support of AI Chatbot and from there affirms that students truly develop self-study competency.
Keywords :
AI Chatbot, Self-study, Self-study competency, Teaching media., Teaching methods., Teaching ToolsReferences :
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